Posts Tagged ‘ secretary ’

(VIDEO) Hillary Sworn in as Sec of State.

February 02, 2009 | 01:09

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton takes the oath of office at a ceremonial swearing-in ceremony at the State Department.

Clinton Confirmed 94 – 2!

Senate confirms Clinton as secretary of state

WASHINGTON – Hillary Clinton won U.S. Senate approval on Wednesday as the next secretary of state, despite renewed Republican questions about potential conflicts of interest created by her husband’s foreign fundraising.

The Senate easily approved Clinton’s nomination to the post by President Barack Obama, clearing her to move quickly into her role as the country’s top diplomat. She will replace former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.(1)

(VIDEO) Obama Names Richardson as Commerce Secretary

President-elect Barack Obama named Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico as his choice for secretary of commerce on Wednesday, pointedly denying that the job was a “consolation prize” for the two-time cabinet officer who had been considered a candidate for secretary of state.

“I think it was a mistake for him to get rid of it,” Mr. Obama said as Mr. Richardson looked on with a grin. “I think that whole Western, rugged look was really working for him.”

In addition, Mr. Obama — who has filled about half of his cabinet and White House staff jobs — said that by the time he was done his administration would be seen as among the most diverse ever put together.

Obama Introduces National Security Team

image8.jpgPresident-elect Barack Obama introduced his National Security team on Monday.

President-elect Barack Obama unveiled his national security team today, including formally announcing his intention to nominate his onetime rival for the Democratic nomination, Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York, as the next secretary of State.

Obama also announced his intention to keep current Defense Secretary Robert Gates in his post, likely for at least a year in the new administration. The president-elect also said he would nominate Susan Rice as ambassador to the United Nations, retired Marine Gen. James Jones as his national security adviser, Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano as homeland security director and Eric Holder as attorney general.

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